Population structure and evidence for bothclonality and recombination among Brazilian strains of the subgenus Leishmania(Viannia)
- Authors: Boité MC, Cupolillo E, Kuhls K, Maurício I, Mello MN, Miles M, Schönian G, Schweynoch C, Silva SO, Wirth T
- Journal: PLoS Negleted Tropical Diseases
- Link: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3814519/
Parasites of the subgenus Leishmania (Viannia) cause varying clinical symptoms ranging from cutaneous leishmaniases (CL) with single or few lesions, disseminated CL (DL) with multiple lesions to disfiguring forms of mucocutaneous leishmaniasis (MCL). In this population genetics study, 37 strains of L. (V.) guyanensis, 63 of L. (V.) braziliensis, four of L. (V.) shawi, six of L. (V.) lainsoni, seven of L. (V.) naiffi, one each of L. (V.) utingensis and L. (V.) lindenbergi, and one L. (V.) lainsoni/L. naiffi hybrid from different endemic foci in Brazil were examined for variation at 15 hyper-variable microsatellite markers.
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Visualisation of Leishmania donovani fluorescent hybrids during early stage development in the sand fly vector.
- Authors: Lewis MD, Maurício I, Miles MA, Sadlova J, Seblova V, Volf P, Yeo M
- Journal: PLoS One
- Link: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=Visualisation+of+Leishmania+donovani+fluorescent+hybrids+during+early+stage+development+in+the+sand+fly+vector
The Leishmania protozoan parasites cause devastating human diseases. Leishmania have been considered to replicate clonally, without genetic exchange. However, an accumulation of evidence indicates that there are inter-specific and intra-specific hybrids among natural populations.
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Genetic diversity and diagnostics development for trypanosomatid protozoa.
- Authors: Andersson B, Baleela R, Bhattacharyya T, Carlier Y, Falconar A, Franzen O, Luquetti A, Maurício I, Miles M, Yeo M
- Journal: Tropical Medicine & International Health
- Link: https://apps.webofknowledge.com/full_record.do?product=UA&search_mode=GeneralSearch&qid=7&SID=2CbhBUDoSw8ZkFBEQLW&page=1&doc=1
Randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) polymerase chain reaction assay for comparison of Schistosoma mansoni strains sensitive and resistant to praziquantel.
- Authors: Afonso A, Belo S, Calado M, Clemente I, Ferreira CC, Ferreira PM, Figueira AR, Grácio MA, Maurício I, Mendes T, Santos R
- Journal: Tropical Medicine & International Health
- Link: https://apps.webofknowledge.com/full_record.do?product=UA&search_mode=GeneralSearch&qid=2&SID=2CbhBUDoSw8ZkFBEQLW&page=1&doc=1