IANDA Guiné! Saudi
The Ianda Guiné! Saudi – Strenthening the Health System in Guinea-Bissau is a project funded by the European Union, through the 11th European Development Fund, managed and co-financed by Camões – Instituto da Cooperação e da Língua, I.P., and co-financed by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, which is also the implementing organisation, along with the Instituto de Higiene e Medicina Tropical (IHMT) and the Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Coimbra (ESEnfC).
The Ianda Guiné! Saudi Action contributes to universal health coverage in Guinea-Bissau by strengthening the governance of the National Health System (SNS) and improving the quality and quantity of health professionals.
The work carried out by the Action through (i) strengthening the management and coordination capacity of the Ministry of Public Health (MINSAP), (ii) improving the management of human resources for health, (iii) training human resources to work in health through advanced training and the National School of Health, all converge towards this improvement.
The IANDA Guiné!Saudi Action includes a number of activities aimed at enhancing the skills of health professionals in Guinea-Bissau, which promises to bring significant advances in the country’s public health:
Specialisation Course in Public Health – CESP
The Public Health Specialization Course (CESP) is one of the compulsory stages of the post-graduate medical training programme in Public Health.
This intensive course, of professional nature, is intended for future medical specialists in Public Health to deepen their knowledge and develop essential skills for the performance of their duties.
Advanced Management Programme for Clinical Directors and Hospital Medical Managers – PADIRH
The Advanced Management Programme for Clinical Directors and Hospital Medical Managers (PADIRH) is a programme designed to enhance the skills of Guinea-Bissau’s health professionals.
With the main purpose to strengthen hospital clinical management capacity, improve the training of those in charge of services, and develop skills in management and clinical governance, this 5 week course envolves a number of medical specialities.
This is a programme to support the creation and establishment of research groups led by PALOP researchers.
Envolve Ciência PALOP works through a mixed incentive system: grants for scientific internships in research centres of excellence in Portugal and support for research institutions in the PALOP for the reception and integration of the researcher, through the realisation of research projects designed and built during the internship in Portugal.
FETP-CV Master in Epidemiology Training
The Master in Field Epidemiology Training for Portuguese-speaking West African Countries (FETP-CV) is a training programme funded by the European & Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP) and the Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC).
FETP-CV is a consortium of five African National Public Health Institutes, five Academic Institutions (3 African and 2 European) and five research centres (3 African and 2 European) that comed together in this project to develop a master’s degree programme in Field Epidemiology (FETP) at the University of Cape Verde (FETP-CV), based on the experiences of Mozambique and Angola in training in Field Epidemiology.
It is chaired by the Instituto de Higiene e Medicina Tropical da Universidade Nova de Lisboa (NOVA-IHMT), assisted by the PI of each of the participating institutions.
Advanced Training Course in Clinical Research
Aimed at doctors and health researchers from PALOP, the advanced training course in Clinical Research covers a range of topics relevant to conducting clinical studies and scientific research and aims to stimulate the formation of local clinical research groups in these countries.