Chemotherapy for second-stage Human African trypanosomiasis
- Authors: Kennedy A, Lutje V, Seixas J
- Journal: Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews
- Link:
BACKGROUND: Human African trypanosomiasis, or sleeping sickness, is a painful and protracted disease affecting people in the poorest parts of Africa and is fatal without treatment. Few drugs are currently available for second-stage sleeping sickness, with considerable adverse events and variable efficacy. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the effectiveness and safety of drugs for treating second-stage human […]
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The future of novel diagnostics in medical mycology
- Authors: Seixas J, Teles F
- Publication Year: 2015
- Journal: Journal of Medical Microbiology
- Link:
Several fungal diseases have become serious threats to human health and life, especially upon the advent of human immunodeficiency virus/AIDS epidemics and of other typical immunosuppressive conditions of modern life. Accordingly, the burden posed by these diseases and, concurrently, by intensive therapeutic regimens against these diseases has increased worldwide. Existing and available rapid tests for […]
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Angola’s 2013 dengue outbreak: clinical, laboratory and molecular analyses of cases from four Portuguese institutions
- Authors: Abreu C, Antunes A, Atouguia J, Azevedo T, Centeno-Lima S, Conceição C, Mansinho K, Marques N, Moneti V, Nazareth T, Nina J, Parreira R, Sa L, Saraiva da Cunha J, Sarmento A, Seixas J, Teodósio R
- Publication Year: 2014
- Journal: The Journal of Infection in Developing Countries
- Link:
Dengue virus (DENV) is the arbovirus with the widest impact on human health. In Africa in general, and in Angola in particular, the epidemiology and public health impact of DENV is far from clear. However, rapid population growth, unplanned urbanization, increased international travel, and the presence of virus major vector (Aedes aegypti) in the country suggest that DENV transmission may occur.
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Satellite-derived estimation of environmental suitability for malaria vector development in Portugal
- Authors: Almeida APG, Benali A, Freitas FB, Lima JC, Lourenço PM, Novo MT, Nunes JP, Seixas J, Sousa CA
- Publication Year: 2014
- Journal: Remote Sensing of Environment
- Link:
This work focused on determining the current relationships between environmental factors and the density of the former malaria vector Anopheles atroparvus in Portugal, a previously endemic country. Adult females were sampled and vector density was estimated in 22 sites in Southern Portugal between 2001 and 2010 and related with land cover and satellite-derived air temperature and vegetation indices. The relationship between vector density and local larval habitat, temperature and, in a broader sense, to environmental suitability, was assessed using a statistical modelling approach.
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