Date: 22 January 2025
Time: 11:00-13:00
Location: ZOOM & Sala Fraga de Azevedo | IHMT-NOVA
Decolonising global health
This session will explore the concept of decolonizing global health, starting with a critical examination of decoloniality and how it differs from initiatives focused on equity, diversity, inclusion (EDI), anti-racism, and justice. It will also delve into the concept of epistemic justice, introducing alternative paradigms that challenge dominant knowledge systems and practices in global health.
Drawing on real-world experiences from The London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM), the session will shed light on the challenges and actionable steps for addressing power imbalances in research, partnerships, and teaching within global health.
Guest speaker Dr. Sali Harez
BDS, MHS, DrPH Candidate, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
Dr. Sali Hafez is a health systems researcher and global health specialist with over 15 years of experience leading multi-country humanitarian responses and research initiatives across Palestine, Sudan, Syria, and Iraq. She is a member of the leadership team for Women in Global Health Egypt, contributing to advancing gender equity in global health.
PhD Student Presentations
Access to information in the context of partnerships on research outcomes in the field of tropical diseases and global health
This presentation will explore the mechanisms available for accessing research findings in the fields of tropical diseases and global health, particularly those arising from partnerships between IHMT-NOVA, the National Institute of Health (INS), and Lúrio University (UniLúrio). Eunice Alfredo, a PhD student at the Tropical Diseases and Global Health Doctoral Program (IHMT-NOVA), will present the findings, shedding light on the collaborative efforts and their impact on health research dissemination. She represents a group that also includes the PhD students Rui Castro e Abacar Assuate.
COVAX and Ethical Aspects Observed in the Distribution of COVID-19 Vaccines: A Case Study in Portuguese-Speaking African Countries (PALOP)
This presentation will examine the application of ethical principles in the distribution of COVID-19 vaccine doses to Portuguese-Speaking African Countries (PALOP) under the COVAX initiative. Abdoulaye Marega, a PhD student at the Tropical Diseases and Global Health Doctoral Program (IHMT-NOVA), will lead the presentation, highlighting key findings and ethical considerations observed in this context. He represents a group that also includes the PhD students Sheridan Santos, Ana Mendonça and Maria Silva.
This session is cordinated by the Fair Research Partnerships cross-cutting issue and hosted by Réka Cane, Joana Pais Zózimo, Isabel Craveiro and Henrique Silveira.
Part of the session will be held in Portuguese.
If you are not a GHTM member and would like to join the session, please contact us at