- Authors: Araújo C, Esteves F, Mansinho K, Matos O, Miranda AC, Ponces Bento D, Ventura F
- Journal: Revista Portuguesa de Pneumologia
- Link: http://www.elsevier.pt/en/revistas/revista-portuguesa-pneumologia-320/artigo/unusual-coexistence-of-opportunistic-lung-infections-in-human-90205531
It is well-established that HIV patients are at high risk of opportunistic infections (OI), like the ones caused by Pneumocystis jirovecii, a worldwide pathogen implicated in interstitial pneumonia (PcP).
We present a case of a newly diagnosed HIV-1 patient with multiple OI, including a persistent form of PcP, an invasive aspergillosis (IA), cytomegalovirus and Mycobacterium xenopi lung infection. We describe the combination of laboratorial screening, surgery and antimicrobial therapy which were crucial for patient recovery.