- Authors: Carvalho A, Hartz Z, Nunes J
- Publication Year: 2017
- Journal: Anais do Instituto de Higiene e Medicina Tropical
- Link: http://ihmtweb.ihmt.unl.pt/PublicacoesFB/Anais/Anais_vol16_suplemento2_2017/files/assets/common/downloads/An%20Inst%20Hig%20Med%20Trop%202017-VOL16%20_Supl.%202_site.pdf
Despite the recent efforts of the United Nations in the enactment of global partnerships for development, at the moment there are no concrete tools to assess the dynamics of international research partnerships in the health domain. The Research Fairness Initiative (RFI) aims at filling this gap, and in order to do so it collected a wide range of documents and practices which constitute an evidence base on the best practices regarding research partnerships, particularly in the field of health.
In this article we will carry out a literature review on the evidence base regarding the domain of Fairness of Opportunity. The literature we will analyse includes journal articles, reports, policy papers and various guidelines, among others. The various topics underlying this domain include themes such as the relevance to communities, early engagement of partners and fair research contracting and co-financing.
Through the selection of the most relevant documents, we will reflect on the most relevant questions, definitions and solutions in the domain of fairness of opportunity, analyzing the ways in which the RFI promotes a paradigm shift in research partnerships in health and research and development in a broader sense.