- Authors: Angulo-Tuesta A, Hartz Z
- Publication Year: 2017
- Journal: Anais do Instituto de Higiene e Medicina Tropical
- Link: http://ihmtweb.ihmt.unl.pt/PublicacoesFB/Anais/Anais_vol16_suplemento2_2017/files/assets/common/downloads/An%20Inst%20Hig%20Med%20Trop%202017-VOL16%20_Supl.%202_site.pdf
Health in Brazil improved notably by changes in the social determinants of health and the health system, and by changes in the social and economic development of the country. However there are still regional, socioeconomic and ethnic disparities and gender inequalities that affect the health of the population. Funding policies, production and transaction of knowledge from the health research system should be guided by equity in order to influence the implementation of effective and cost-effective programs and the performance of the health system. This article presents the project protocol for analyzing equity in collaboration and interinstitutional partnerships in health and innovation research policy in Brazil. This is an evaluative research, based on the Research Fairness Initiative approach and the principles for global health research applied to funding policies. Preliminary results revel imbalances in the financing of research on health equity in relation to global research funding; the co-financing of interinstitucional partnerships and regional research capacity in health equity.