- Authors: Carvalho A, Ferrinho P, Hartz Z, IJsselmuiden C, Klipp K
- Publication Year: 2017
- Journal: Anais do Instituto de Higiene e Medicina Tropical
- Link: http://ihmtweb.ihmt.unl.pt/PublicacoesFB/Anais/Anais_vol16_suplemento2_2017/files/assets/common/downloads/An%20Inst%20Hig%20Med%20Trop%202017-VOL16%20_Supl.%202_site.pdf
In this article we present the various steps required to prepare and validate the RFI report, justifying its relevance to the institutions that will adhere to this initiative in the near future.
We also contextualize the pertinence of the RFI within broader debates on research partnerships, particularly in the field of health for development.
The various domains and indicators developed within this initiative encompass aspects related to the fields of fairness of opportunity, process, sharing of benefits, costs and opportunities.