- Authors: Arcêncio RA, Lapão L
- Publication Year: 2017
- Journal: Anais do Instituto de Higiene e Medicina Tropical
- Link: http://ihmtweb.ihmt.unl.pt/PublicacoesFB/Anais/Anais_vol16_suplemento2_2017/files/assets/common/downloads/An%20Inst%20Hig%20Med%20Trop%202017-VOL16%20_Supl.%202_site.pdf
In the context of the Research Fairness Initiative, both the Universidade Nova de Lisboa and the Universidade de São Paulo have sought, over the last few years, to solidify equity in public health research. However, these initiatives need to be contextualized to better promote their real adoption, especially in areas such as Public Health. Public Health presents two main characteristics that make it an area of science that is particularly sensitive to issues of equity: the relevance of public health interventions and the fact that it is evolving towards global health, sensitive to the pressures of globalization, global warming and of multiculturalism. Health research is an important and complex activity. More so when it involves patients and several countries, creating challenges that we must understand and mitigate. The COHRED reference framework was applied to better map fair research practices in Portugal and Brazil. Equity in public health research is an ethical duty, which most researchers embrace with dedication. Lack of resources often hinders such equity, but the adoption of more rigorous collaborative models has helped to mitigate.