- Authors: Simões J
- Publication Year: 2016
- Journal: Anais do Instituto de Higiene e Medicina Tropical
- Link: http://ihmtweb.ihmt.unl.pt/PublicacoesFB/Anais/Anais2016-suplemento/index.html#29/z
Economy regulation is translated in the formulation, implementation and effectiveness of target rules to economic target agents. These rules assurance their balanced function, according to specific public objectives.
Health sector has specificity’s that make it different from others goods and services markets. Moreover, the health regulation objectives want to guarantee the universal access to publicly financed healthcare. They also assure satisfactory quality and security levels, ensuring competition that produces a satisfactory quality/ price relation and citizens capacity for their rights and needs.
Health regulation its much present in Europe, although with different institutional models, in the regulation activity level as well as in the regulation mechanisms and powers exercised. In Portugal, the Entidade Reguladora da Saúde mission is the regulation of healthcare services activity. Its attributions comprehend the supervision of these establishments in control of operating requirements, access assurance to healthcare services, defense of citizens rights, guarantee of delivery healthcare services quality, economic regulation and promotion and defense of competition.