- Authors: Craveiro I, Dussault G
- Publication Year: 2016
- Journal: O Público e o Privado
- Link: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:ef2B1u120VgJ:seer.uece.br/%3Fjournal%3Dopublicoeoprivado%26page%3Darticle%26op%3Ddownload%26path%255B%255D%3D2158%26path%255B%255D%3D1856+&cd=2&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=pt
Greece face different problems such as inclusive aging population, diminished of natural increase, migrations and the refugee crises. These challenges puts pressure on the healthcare systems future. The Greek health sector can be characterized as a mix system (public and private), coexisting the insurances, the social compulsory (IKA) and the system of voluntary private health insurance, with National Health Service (ESY- Ethniko Systima Ygeias).
In 2011 it has been built the Organização Nacional de Serviços de Saúde(EOPYY).
Since 2010 the county is under a financial bailout. The health sector was considered an important one in the lack of government control over the economy. Because of that stayed under Troika intervention.
The health system also has structural problems over more than a decade, increased with the crises. In this economic context, social and legislative, and based on evidence recently published, the authors present the Greek experiences of citizens participation in the design of health policy in Greece. According to evidence, the reforms made on the health sector seem to focused on operational, financial and management dimensions, not considered the citizens or a citizen-centred systems perspective. For this reason there is space for policy makers to promote mechanisms for citizens participation.