- Authors: Dussault G
- Publication Year: 2015
- Journal: Ciência & Saúde Coletiva
- Link: https://www.scielosp.org/article/csc/2015.v20n10/2930-2930/pt/%20
In December of 2012, the United Nations National Assembly unanimously adopted a resolution committing the member states to the Universal Health Coverage (CUS). It also give to the population access to quality healthcare services, according to their needs and a lower prices. Some countries have already done it, but others have a long way to get this aim. In Latin America, countries like Brazil, Columbia or Costa Rica and others, have insurances that fulfill the majority of health services. Meanwhile, give such financial protections doesn’t give automatic access to quality healthcare services. Needed healthcare services should be available within a reasonable distance. In addition, skilled health workforce should be present, competent and motivated to produce quality healthcare.