- Authors: Badr E, Cometto G, Dussault G, Haroen H, Mapunda M, Mars AST, Pritasari K
- Publication Year: 2016
- Journal: Human Resources for Health
- Link: https://human-resources-health.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12960-016-0112-0%20
Commitments at the Third Global Forum on Human Resources for Health
The authors assess the commitments made at the Third Global Forum on Human Resources for Health (HRH) by Indonesia, Sudan, and Tanzania, to implement health workforce plans. The authors conducted a study through published and gray literature in English and field research with focal points of ministries and agencies.
Results show that the three countries implemented interventions to translate their commitments into actions. The commitments was on improving the availability, geographical accessibility, quality of education, and performance of health workers. The Recife commitments implementation entailed initiatives at the central level, such as the adoption of new legislation or the development of accreditation mechanisms.
This study shows that action is more likely to take place when policy documents explicitly recognize and document HRH problems. In addition, when stakeholders are involved in the formulation and the implementation of policy changes, and when external support is available. The Recife Forum appears to have created an opportunity to advance the HRH policy agenda. The advocates of health workforce development in these three countries took advantage of it.