Extension of the Avian Host Range of Collyriclosis in Europe
- Authors: Azevedo FM, Casero MV, Diakou A, Dressel M, Frei S, Grest P, Grimm F, Literák I, Maia C, Sitko J, Tahas SA
- Publication Year: 2017
- Journal: Journal of Wildlife Diseases
- Link: http://www.bioone.org/doi/10.7589/2016-03-068%20
We describe cases of collyriclosis in apodiform and passeriform birds in Portugal, Switzerland, and Germany. We extend the host range of Collyriculm faba to include apodiform birds ( Apus apus , Apus melba , and Apus pallidus ) and the passerine Sitta europaea (Eurasian Nuthatch). Infections varied in severity from an incidental finding to severe […]
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