mHealth Strategies Related to HIV Postexposure Prophylaxis Knowledge and Access: Systematic Literature Review, Technology Prospecting of Patent Databases, and Systematic Search on App Stores
- Authors: Artur Acelino Francisco Luz Nunes Queiroz, Isabel Amélia Costa Mendes, Simone de Godoy, Luís Velez Lapão, Sónia Dias
- Publication Year: 2021
- Journal: JMIR Mhealth Uhealth, 9(2), art e23912
- Link:
ABSTRACT ‘Background:’ Globally, the number of HIV cases continue to increase, despite the development of multiple prevention strategies. New cases of HIV have been reported disproportionately more in men who have sex with men and other vulnerable populations. Issues such as internalized and structural homophobia prevent these men from accessing prevention strategies such as postexposure […]
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