The international research project «EuCARE: European cohorts of patients and schools to advance the response to epidemics», that aims to better understand several consequences of an epidemic, and in which GHTM R&D Centre is involved, launched its webpresence.
This international endeavour brings together, thus far, 13 countries and 28 organisations, including universities – like NOVA University of Lisbon (UNL) through its organic unit, the Institute of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (IHMT) – research centres, hospitals and NGOs. The coordination of the entire group and project is up to one of the later: the Euresist Network NGO.
The Portuguese team’s coordinator is GHTM’s Ana Abecasis, professor at the International Public Health Unit and Biostatistics of the IHMT and member of EuResist Network’s Scientific Board. This important international role led to her nomination for the ACTIVA Inspiring Women Awards of 2021 in the Science category.
Those multinacional partners joined efforts to present solid, data driven evidence to tackle SARS-CoV-2 variants and the COVID-19 epidemics, under the guidance of the following research questions:
How do SARS-COV-2 variants, coupled with other factors, influence the clinical course of COVID-19?
Is there any vaccine or test escape related to variants?
Do variants influence, and how, the spread in the school setting?
Can we define a better testing and containment strategy in the school setting?
What is the impact of containment measures, including schools closure, on pupils and teachers?
You can read more about it in our previous news article.
From now on, anyone can follow EuCare’s activities and achievements through its official website:
or its social media pages:
EuCare Linkedin
EuCare Facebook
There will be a Twitter page, not yet available, but keep checking.
[…] EuCARE epidemics research project with GHTM, launches its webpresence […]