GHTM member, João Pinto, carried out a training action on genotyping of knockdown resistance mutations (kdr) in malaria vectors at the National Institute of Public Health (INSP) of Cape Verde. The training took place in the Medical Entomology laboratory of INSP, located in Praia, between the 20 and the 24 of May 2019, involving nine technicians and interns. Objectives were to implement allele-specific polymerase chain reaction assays to detect mutations L1014F and L1014S at the voltage-gated sodium channel gene of the malaria mosquito Anopheles arabiensis. These mutations are associated with resistance to pyrethroid and organochlorine (notably DDT) insecticides. Preliminary data based on a mosquito sample collected in Praia city were consistent with previously published results, pointing to a low frequency of resistance-associated mutations.