EUCARE Project – Status of COVID-19 Transmission in Secondary Schools in Europe – First results and evidence gathered within the framework of the European EUCARE project with the participation of GHTM (Principal Researcher Ana Abecasis)
Schools closure and social distancing caused anger and sadness in students of all ages, but also teachers suffered and still don’t feel safe. The Lolli methode under evaluation within the EuCARE Project looks like a promising support. The first results of the EuCARE SCHOOLS cohort study will be presented as a poster at the European Meeting on HIV & Hepatitis 2023 (Rome, 7-9 June 2023).
The participating schools came together in the WeCARE for Schools trilateral event (Italy-Mexico-Portugal) on the 12th of May. Students, teachers and principals described their experience with the project and exchanged their views. Further to the enthusiasm to participate in scientific research, many students still worried about being a danger to others expressed relief and confidence in Lolli Methode as a children friendly procedure for monitoring their infectious status.
Elisa, an Italian 18 years old student has followed the event online and wrote a moving article on it, published on Obessu website. “Our experience was one of the worst of all Europe. Our school system was not prepared at all to face the issues brought by the pandemic”, she writes, and: “Institutions still do not give the right importance to education and instead of focusing on how to prepare schools for epidemic emergencies, they prefer setting them aside.”
The EuCARE SCHOOL Study protocol is published on BMC Infectious Diseases:
Raimondi, S., Gandini, S., Rubio Quintanares, G.H. et al. European Cohorts of patients and schools to Advance Response to Epidemics (EuCARE): a cluster randomised interventional and observational study protocol to investigate the relationship between schools and SARS-CoV-2 infection. BMC Infect Dis 23, 1 (2023).
The EuCARE studies on POST COVID-19 are also coming to the dissemination level and will be presented at ICAR 2023 (Bari 14-16 June) as an oral presentation.
An anticipation has been given at the last “Research to policy meeting on POST-COVID condition” organised by the EU on May 31.

SEMINAR- 19th and 20th June 2023: Data privacy, data property, and data sharing: an interdisciplinary dialogue for post-pandemic transnational research
EuCARE invites you to a two-day workshop discussing the ethical and legal solutions to data access and the existing gaps to a sustainable biomedical research in a post pandemic future. The workshop has an interdisciplinary approach, bringing together lawyers, social scientists, epidemiologists, medical doctors, computer scientists, as well as associations of patients and students.
The seminar is hosted by the Brocher Foundation at Hermance (Geneva), Switzerland.
For more information
The EuResist Network story on TropicalMed
The EuResist Network founded in…, aims at. a resume of its results
Rossetti, B.; Incardona, F.; Di Teodoro, G.; Mommo, C.; Saladini, F.; Kaiser, R.; Sönnerborg, A.; Lengauer, T.; Zazzi, M., on behalf of the EuResist Network. Cohort Profile: A European Multidisciplinary Network for the Fight against HIV Drug Resistance (EuResist Network). Trop. Med. Infect. Dis. 2023, 8, 243.
Explore online the EuResist Integrated DataBase (EIDB)!
At the EuResist Network website you will be able to browse beautiful graphs from the EIDB that illustrate HIV resistance related information from this large real-world dataset: the distribution of relevant lab values by year or by treatment lines, the subtypes distribution by year and that of the most prevalent mutations by year or by treatment experienced/naïve patients and more…
The EIDB is a multicenter international collection of linked genotypic and clinical information from people living with HIV, with longitudinal information from clinical practice dating from 1998 to present. It comprises data from more than 115.000 patients.
Visit the EuResist website at