“Host-pathogen interactions: Host-targeted therapies as a tool to overcome antimicrobial resistance” is the title of the webinar developed by Pedro Cravo and Ana Paula Arez, which took place on 29th September and counted with a panel of national and international experts on Immunology and Microbiology.
This webinar was based on two scientific premises on which the invited expert speakers presented their work. “First, understanding the mechanisms involved in human innate determinants of susceptibility or resistance against infection or disease may help to intervene in the host metabolic pathways that are vital to pathogen survival, and find new tools that could act via a host-mediated response rather than acting directly on the pathogen, and that, secondly, co-delivery of these tools with a conventional antimicrobial agent may contribute to overcome drug resistance”, explained the researchers from VBD-GHTM and from CCI Drug Discovery and Drug Resistance.
In addition to the webinar scientific context, the “Host-pathogen interactions” webinar was important “to promote disclosure of results under the FCT project reference PTDC/BIA-CEL/28456/2017”.
The event gathered 55 participants and fostered a good interaction environment between speakers and audience. The organisers also pointed out that “both participants and speakers gave very positive feedback on the event, highlighting the scientific quality and excellent organisation” and concluded by saying “we share their opinion”.