Today, 11th of February 2022, marks the 7th International Day of Women and Girls in Science.
Aiming to officially acknowledge the crucial role women and girls play in science and technology, the UN’s General Assembly decided, on 22nd of December 2015, to establish an annual International Day, through Resolution A/RES/70/212.
The responsibility for its implementation relies on UNESCO and UN-Women, in collaboration with all stakeholders that support women and girls in science.
GHTM is a research centre where women are not only on the majority but also head several research groups and many projects, national or international. Some have been awarded nationally and internationally or achieve the top rankings in Science.
The interest for GHTM’s scientific activities is also clear among the young students that apply for «GHTM for Teens – Creating Future 2021». That initiative is part of the summer scientific internship program «Ciência Viva in the Laboratory – Scientific Occupation of Young People on School Holidays», for students from 9th to 12th grades, resulting from the collaboration between Ciência Viva – National Agency for Scientific and Technological Culture and the Portuguese scientific community. In 2021, of the ten students attending the program, 9 were girls!
This shows that GHTM is far ahead UN’s 5th SDG Gender Equality!
In fact, from GHTM’s perspective, maybe one should promote Science among boys!
Where are they!?
Long live the International Day of Women and Girls in Science!
Hip! Hip! Hooray!