GHTM / IHMT receives the status of Associate Laboratory by FCT / MCTES in the context of the approved proposal REAL – Associated Laboratory in Translation and Innovation Towards Global Health.
The research center of IHMT / NOVA – Global Health and Tropical Medicine is one of the 3 structuring centers of the Associated Laboratory REAL – Associated Laboratory in Translation and Innovation Towards Global Health – together with the CHRC and LIBhys that received the status of Associated Laboratory.
The NOVA University of Lisbon has also secured the Statute of Associated Laboratory (LA) by the Foundation for Science and Technology for 9 more laboratories to which it is connected, according to what was announced by that entity, due to the tender launched by it and that now the outcome is known. The contest had 45 applications, 40 of which were qualified for that purpose.
The 10 Associated Laboratories (which are coordinated or with the participation of NOVA) will benefit from an annual financing of 5.1M € for a period of 5 years, which corresponds to 22% of the available annual budget of approximately 24M €.
The Associate Laboratories qualified by the Foundation for Science and Technology represent structural components of the National Scientific and Technological System, consisting of research and development (R&D) institutions or consortia of R&D institutions that make explicit institutional commitments to pursue policy objectives national scientific and technological. In this sense, these laboratories must ensure a dimension of human resources and scientific infrastructure that allows them, in a sustained way, to promote scientific and technical careers for doctorates.
The evaluation of applications submitted in 2020, and now released, was conducted by a national panel coordinated by Professor Manuel Nunes da Ponte, who also counted on the collaboration of an international scientific council.
List of the 10 Associated Laboratories that are connected to the NOVA University of Lisbon, and whose applications have received approval:
· I3N –Instituto de Nanoestruturas, Nanomodelação e Nanofabricação
· LS4FUTURE -Ciências da Vida para um Futuro Saudável e Sustentável
· LAQV/REQUIMTE –Laboratório Associado para a Química Verde – Tecnologias e Processos Limpos
· CHANGE –Instituto para as Alterações Globais e Sustentabilidade
· ARI-NET –Rede de Infraestruturas em Investigação Aquática
· I4HB –Instituto para a Saúde e a Bioeconomia
· RISE –Rede de Investigação em Saúde: do Laboratório à Saúde Comunitária
· LASI –Laboratório Associado de Sistemas Inteligentes
· REAL –Translação e Inovação para a Saúde Global
· IN2PAST –Laboratório Associado para a Investigação e Inovação em Património, Artes,
Sustentabilidade e Território.
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Lista de laboratórios associados
[…] GHTM / IHMT receives the status of Associated Laboratory under REAL – Associated Laboratory in Tra… […]