Between 5th and 11th June, the GHTM-IHMT Group leaders Maria do Rosário Martins (Population health, policies and services), Ana Paula Arez (Vector borne diseases and pathogens), Isabel Couto (Tuberculosis, HIV, opportunistic diseases and pathogens) and Marcelo Urbano Ferreira (Individual health care), visited Praia and Assomada cities, in Santiago Island, for a work mission.
In order to strengthen relations with the recently established Life Sciences Research Centre, GHTM Group leaders visited the University of Cape Verde (Uni-CV), in Praia, where they meet with the Vice-Rector, the Pro-Rector for research and also with the director of the Research Center in Life Sciences uni-CV, to share experiences in various areas of knowledge.
The researchers presented the GHTM in a seminar at Uni-CV, which counted not only with the presence of researchers from Uni-CV, Agostinho Neto Hospital and The National Institute of Public Health of Cape-Verde (INSP-CV), but also with the President and Vice-President for the research area of INSP-CV, among others. Another seminar, this time with local researchers, was held at this institution in order to study the hypothesis of carrying out joint projects, namely “the implementation of the Santiago children’s cohort and definition of their context”.
As a result of this meeting, “the Uni-CV’s team of professors and researchers requested the GHTM-IHMT collaboration to take a short-term course in light of training courses already made in the past” and Maria da Luz Lima, President of INSP-CV solicited that “GHTM-IHTM performed an identical presentation to the INSP’s community of researchers”, said Maria do Rosário Martins.
During this mission, Marcelo Urbano Ferreira visited Assomada city, where he had the opportunity to participate in the recruitment of children and data collection regarding the project “Aspetos epidemiológicos da asma brônquica em crianças de 6 e 7 anos, na ilha de Santiago, Cabo Verde”, by joining the project coordinator Maria do Céu Teixeira, a GHTM member as well.
Concluding, the researchers mentioned the meeting with Carla Barbosa, coordinator of Program for Prevention and Control of Cancer Diseases in Cape Verde, to conduct a point of situation in regard to the project named “Cancer Registry in Cape Verde”, of which IHMT is a partner.