On June 7th and 8th 2024, GHTM-IHMT-NOVA held the 5th meeting with the members of GHTM Scientific Advisory Board:
- Umberto D’Alessandro – London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine; Medical Research Council Unit The Gambia (MRCG);
- Afrânio Kritski – Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro;
- Mateus Webba da Silva – Biomedical Science Research Institute – Ulster University, UK;
- Maria do Rosário Bragança – Ministra do Ensino Superior, Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação de Angola;
- Sylvie Manguin – Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, Montpellier.
This hybrid meeting took place on site at IHMT-NOVA, for an overview of the 2023 activities and outcomes, and for discussion, feedback and recommendations to our Research Unit for the R&D Units Evaluation 2023/2024 process. Plus, 2023 monitoring research activity plan was reviewed and assessed.
It was a pleasure to have your visit and working meetings.
On behalf of the members of the GHTM Scientific Committee, Miguel Viveiros, Scientific Coordinator of GHTM, leaves one last word for Professors Umberto D’Alessandro and Maria do Rosário Bragança, that conclude two mandates as GHTM SAB members. “A deep and warm thanks for all the work done with us. We will never forget your friendship, expertise and advice, and certainly we will keep in touch in other collaborations in the future”.