XLVII Annual Meeting of the Portuguese Society for Immunology
to be held on 20-22 April 2022, at the Reitoria da Universidade Nova de Lisboa.
This year’s scientific program will be centered on the topic “AT THE CROSSROADS OF HUMAN IMMUNOLOGY” and is organized around 4 thematic sessions:
Chronic Inflammation
Aging and Cancer Immunology
Infections and Vaccines
Beyond Humans – Imaging Immunity
The XLVII Meeting of the Portuguese Society for Immunology brings together leading fundamental and clinical scientists, researchers, postdoctoral fellows and students providing them with the opportunity to report, share and discuss scientific questions. It will encompass the most recent achievements, innovations, trends, concerns as well as the challenges in the field of Immunology.
This year we are delighted to host a Workshop of the Iberian Flow Cytometry Society (SIC), with the presence of distinguished guests.
We are looking forward to your active participation in this encompassing meeting.
Catarina Martins, CEDOC-NMS/UNL
Helena Soares, CEDOC-NMS/UNL
Íris Caramalho, IGC
Maria Guadalupe Cabral, CEDOC-NMS/UNL
Maria José Oliveira, I3S
Ricardo Silvestre, ICVS
Thiago Carvalho, EMBO
Natacha Gonçalves Sousa
The Iberian Flow Cytometry Society (Sociedade Ibérica de Citometria – SIC) organizes Intercalary Meetings in between their Biannual Congresses, addressing particular themes to be updated in these smaller reunions.
Thus, in 2022, SIC decided to associate with the Portuguese Immunology Society (SPI), and to host a Workshop on the Applications of Flow Cytometry in Immune monitoring in the XLVII Annual Meeting of SPI.
This important scientific event, to be held in the splendid city of Lisbon, Portugal, represents a new milestone for SIC, in its aim to congregate Iberian cytometrists.
In fact, recognizing the growing challenges for Flow Cytometry in the unraveled fields of Immunology, brought by the advances of technology along with the development of an all-new world of immunotherapies and immunomodulators, we believe this is a particular moment to promote interactions, and strength connections, at the Iberian Peninsula and all around the world.
For that purpose, the SIC Workshop at the XLVII Annual Meeting of SPI aims to bring a panoramic view of modern cytometry, exploring some of its most recent advances as a fantastic tool for the monitorization of the Immune System.
The SIC Board counts on your presence and we hope all participants may have a productive and pleasant time in Lisbon, next April.
Jose Carlos Segovia
Teresa Caballero
Martin Perez y Andres
Enrique Colado
Catarina Martins
Ana Yeguas