Under the program “Ciência Viva no Laboratório 2022”, the internship “The helminths around us! Come and see the helmints you can find right next to you!” took place at Medical Helminthology and Malacology Unit of IHMT, under the coordination of Pedro Ferreira.
Between 11th and 15th July, “the students had the opportunity to acquire knowledge about helminths who live part of their life in the soil (geohelminths) and that when they reach humans cause disease, as well as their importance in Public Health”. Moreover, “they participate in the discussion of environmental and behavioral conditions, which lead to the dispersion of geohelmints; learn how to plan and develop a research project on geohelminths”, and they also integrated into “the normal working environment of researchers”.
As the VBD-GHTM researcher mentioned, “the students got to known the activity that is developed in GHTM-IHMT, as well as the various valences of IHMT/Nova, both as a research center and providing support services to the community”. “As has been a habit, and given they are high school students, some doubts related to the professional outputs and daily activity of a researcher were also clarified”, finished Pedro Ferreira.
“Ciência Viva no Laboratório 2022” constitutes a summer internship programme, which promotes the experimental teaching of science and foster the attraction of young people to scientific careers. The GHTM members contributed for the 26th edition of this diversified program with two internships.
To know more about this program, visit website here.
«Ciência Viva» is the branded name of the Portuguese National Agency for Scientific and Technological Culture, meaning «Live Science».