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Jorge Manuel Simões
GHTM Group: Population health, policies and services, PPS PhD members
Invited Full Professor at IHMT, Nova University of Lisbon (2011/2022);
Invited Full Professor at University of Aveiro (2001/ 2022);
Member of Scientific Advisory Board of the Pan-European Commission on Health and Sustainable Development, WHO Regional Director for Europe (2020/2021);
Director of The Global Public Health Teaching and Research Unit of IHMT-NOVA (2017/ 2019);
Coordinator in Portugal of Health Systems in Transition, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, WHO (2007/2019);
President of National Health Council (2016/2018);
President of Health Regulatory Authority (2010/2016);
Co-coordinator of National Health Plan (2009/2010);
Advisor to the President of Republic (1996/2006);
Hospital administrator (1980/2001).
His research interests are in health systems and policies, health planning, health regulation, hospital administration.
About health systems and policies: Coordinator of NOVAsaúde Health Systems and Policies, at Nova University of Lisbon (2020/2022); Coordinator of Health Systems in Transition, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, WHO (2007/2019); consultant of WHO, USAID, European Commission and governments of Portugal, Hungary, Angola, Cape Vert, Mozambique, Guiné-Bissau and Brazil to: Human Resources Projects (Hungary, 1995/97; European Commission, 1986/ 1987); Health policies and sustainability of health system (Mozambique, 1992; Angola, 2013; Guiné Bissau, 2019; Guiné Bissau, 2021); public-private partnership on health (Portugal, 2008/9); coordinator of implementation of program of oral health (Portugal, 2008/9); national health service sustainability (Portugal, 2006/7).
About Health planning: Coordinator, with Prof. Paulo Ferrinho, of National Health Plan 2011/2016 (2009/2010).
About Hospital administration: (Macau, 1991; Luanda, Angola, 1992; Portugal 2001/2).
About regulation: Coordinator of the implementation of “Autoridade Reguladora da Qualidade dos Serviços de Saúde no Estado do Ceará (Brasil) (2020/2021); Coordinator of the implementation of Health Regulatory Authority in Cape Vert (2017); consultant of Governments of Angola (2015) and Mozambique (2017) to the implementation of heath regulation.
- Simões J, Augusto GF, Fronteira I, Hernandez-Quevedo C. Portugal: Health System Review. European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, 2017.
- Simões, J., Fronteira, I., Augusto, G.F., 2021. The 2019 Health Basic Law in Portugal: Political arguments from the left and right. Health Policy 125, 1–6.
- Lopes, D, Castro E. e Jorge Simões. Saúde 2040 – Planeamento de Médicos e Enfermeiros em Portugal. Almedina, Coimbra, 2018.
- Sara Vera Jardim, Inês Fronteira I, Gonçalo Augusto, Jorge Simões. “Health Systems, the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic and the European Health Union”. In “From Life Molecules to Global Health”. Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Princípia, Cascais, 2021.
- Simões, J. “Regulação em Saúde”, in Garantia de Direitos e Regulação: Perspectivas de Direito Administrativo (coordenação de Carla Amado Gomes, Ricardo Pedro, Rute Saraiva, Fernanda Maçãs), AAFDL editora, 2020.