Filomena Manjate
GHTM Group: TB, HIV and opportunistic diseases and pathogens, THOP PhD members
Filomena Arlindo Manjate, holds a PhD in Biomedical sciences (Cell and Molecular Biology) from the Institute of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine at Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal (2024), with a scholarship from the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. Working at the Centro de Investigação em Saúde de Manhiça (CISM), Mozambique as a junior researcher since 2014. With more than 10 years of experience in study design, implementation, coordination and evaluation. Has contributed to the implementation of many projects, including the establishment of rotavirus surveillance in Manhiça, Mozambique, aiming to evaluate the impact and effectiveness of rotavirus vaccine in children under 5 years, after rotavirus vaccine introduction in the country in 2015, as well as to describe the molecular epidemiology of rotavirus strains and other enteropathogens, which has resulted in scientific manuscripts published in international journals. Is a co-investigator of two currently ongoing studies: One to evaluate rotavirus vaccine response and factors that may affect vaccine performance in children under 5 years of age in the district of Manhiça, Mozambique. Other to estimate the seroprevalence of S. Typhi and other non typhoidal salmonella (NTS) in two provinces of Mozambique, Zambézia (Quelimane, Mocuba and Alto Molócue districts) and Tete (Tsangano district) to support the introduction of typhoid conjugate vaccines (TCVs) in the national immunization program.
Currently, is a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, with a scholarship from Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. The post-doctoral aims to develop laboratory and bioinformatics protocols to identify pathogens and analysis of antimicrobial resistance in wastewater in contexts of limited resources, at Institute of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine at Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal. This project will be implemented in Manhiça, Mozambique in partnership with IHMT and the University of the Free States, South Africa.
Have been working in the diarrhoeal diseases research area, with focus for enteric virus infections, with the application of molecular biology techniques for diagnosis, monitoring infection and track virus evolution. Her research objectives are to evaluate the impact of rotavirus vaccination on the burden of the diarrhoeal disease and rotavirus strain diversity, among children living in a rural area of Mozambique, a low income country.
- Chirinda P, Manjate F, Garrine M, Messa A, Nobela N, Vubil D, et al. Detection of Enteric Viruses in Children under Five Years of Age before and after Rotavirus Vaccine Introduction in Manhiça District, Southern Mozambique, 2008-2019. Viruses 2024;16:1159.
- Filomena Manjate, Eva D. João, Peter Mwangi, Percina Chirinda, Milton Mogotsi Augusto Messa Jr., Marcelino Garrine, Delfino Vubil, Nélio Nobela, Tacilta Nhampossa, Sozinho Acácio, Jacqueline E. Tate, Umesh Parashar, Goitom Weldegebriel, Jason M. Mwenda, Pedro Alonso, Celso Cunha, Martin Nyaga And Inácio Mandomando. Genomic Characterization Of Rotavirus G3p[8] Strain In Vaccinated Children, Reveals Possible Reassortment Events Between Human And Animal Strains In Manhiça District, Mozambique. Fronteirs In Microbiology (2023), 14: 1193094. https://Doi.Org/10.3389/Fmicb.2023.1193094
- Filomena Manjate, Llorenç Quintó, Percina Chirinda, Sozinho Acácio, Marcelino Garrine, Delfino Vubil, Tacilta Nhampossa, Eva D. João, Arsénio Nhacolo, Anelsio Cossa, Sérgio Massora, Gizela Bambo, Quique Bassat, Karen Kotloff, Myron Levine, Pedro L. Alonso, Jacqueline E. Tate, Umesh Parashar, Jason M. Mwenda, Inácio Mandomando. Impact Of Rotavirus Vaccination On Diarrheal Hospitalizations In Children Younger Than 5 Years Of Age In A Rural Southern Mozambique. Vaccine (2022), 40: 6422–6430. https://Doi.Org/10.1016/J.Vaccine.2022.09.050
- Filomena Manjate, Eva D. João, Percina Chirinda, Marcelino Garrine, Delfino Vubil, Nélio Nobela, Karen Kotloff, James P. Nataro, Tacilta Nhampossa, Sozinho Acácio, Jacqueline E. Tate, Umesh Parashar, Jason M.
Mwenda, Pedro L. Alonso, Martin Nyaga, Celso Cunha Andninácio Mandomando. Molecular Epidemiology Of Rotavirus Strains In Symptomatic And Asymptomatic Children In Manhiça District, Southern Mozambique 2008–2019. Viruses (2022), 14, 134. https://Doi.Org/10.3390/V14010134 - Assucênio Chissaque, Rachel M. Burke, Esperança L. Guimarães, Filomena Manjate, Arsénio Nhacolo, Jorfélia Chilaúle, Benilde Munlela, Percina Chirinda, Jerónimo S. Langa, Idalécia Cossa-Moiane, Elda Anapakala, Adilson Fernando Loforte Bauhofer, Marcelino Garrine, Eva D. João, Júlia Sambo, Luzia Gonçalves, Goitom Weldegebriel, Keith Shaba, Isah Mohammed Bello, Jason M. Mwenda, Umesh D. Parashar, Jacqueline E. Tate, Inácio Mandomando, Nilsa de Deus (2022). Effectiveness of Monovalent Rotavirus Vaccine in Mozambique, a Country with a High Burden of Chronic Malnutrition. Vaccines.