The Institute of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine presents the lecture cycle GHTM SESSIONS – this time GHTM Session No 6 02-06-21 -, of the Global Health and Tropical Medicine Research Centre, with which it shares the work of its researchers. This cycle is dedicated to the scientific innovations produced here in the area of infectious disease diagnosis.
GHTM SESSIONS will comply with the following program.
The lectures are free and open to all and will take place in Portuguese, through Zoom access:
ID: 889 3926 2378
Password: 787895
GHTM Session No 6 02-06-21

The lecture on the 2nd of June, 2021, at 11:00 am, by the researcher
Prof. Luzia Gonçalves, GHTM | IHMT-NOVA, will have as its theme:
Bayesian approaches in medical diagnosis: principles, tools, and applications
Despite the increasing popularity of Bayesian statistics, some concepts (e.g., prior information, posterior distribution, credibility intervals) remain unclear for non-statisticians. The evaluation of diagnostic tests is a good example to explain Bayesian statistics. In this work, Bayesian latent class models will be discussed to estimate sensitivities and specificities using multiple imperfect diagnostic tests.
No mathematical knowledge is required for this talk.
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