Jair Fernandes Virginio | Biofábrica Moscamed Brasil
Graduated in Forest Engineering by the Center of Technology and Rural Health of the Federal University of Paraíba (1986). He is a specialist in agribusiness from the University of Vale do Acaraú. Master in Entomology of the State University of Bahia. PhD in Radio-entomology Laboratory of the Center for Nuclear Energy in Agriculture-CENA / USP. He was the Executive Secretary of Agriculture of the State of Pernambuco and General Manager of the Agriculture and Livestock Defense Agency of Pernambuco-ADAGRO. Member of the International Steering Committee of the Working Group on Fruit Flies in the Western Hemisphere. Currently, he is the CEO of Biofábrica Moscamed Brasil. He works with sterile insect technique for control of Fruit Flies and Aedes aegypti, and has experience in Integrated Pest Management, Agricultural Defense, Management and Planning.
Host: Pedro Cravo