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Miguel Viveiros
GHTM Scientific Coordinator
GHTM Group: TB, HIV and opportunistic diseases and pathogens, THOP PhD members
Full Professor in Biomedical Sciences/Medical Microbiology and Vice-Director of the Institute of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine of the New University of Lisbon. Professor in Biomedical Sciences, Medical Microbiology, International Health and Tropical Medicine. Expert on the early diagnosis of active or latent TB, mycobacteriology and new therapeutics for MDRTB and XDRTB. Devoted to the study and development of new diagnostic tools and alternative therapies to treat drug resistant infectious diseases such as multidrug resistant tuberculosis and methicillin-vancomycin resistant staphylococcal infections.
Scientific Coordinator of the Foundation of Science and Technology Research Center – Global Health and Tropical Medicine (UID/04413/2020) since 2020 (https://ghtm.ihmt.unl.pt/ ). Founding member and currently management committee member of the Study Group for Mycobacterial Infections (ESGMYC) of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID) (https://www.escmid.org/index.php?id=897 ). General Director and Scientific Coordinator of the “Ciência LP – International Center for Advanced Training in Fundamental Sciences for Scientists from Portuguese-speaking Countries” (UNESCO Category 2 Center) (https://www.ciencialp.pt/centro-ciencia-lp/ ) and Vice-President of the Portuguese Society for Microbiology (https://spmicrobiologia.wordpress.com/orgaos-sociais/ ). Vice-Chair (2017) and Chair (2019) of the Gordon Research Conference – Multi-Drug Efflux Systems – https://www.grc.org/multi-drug-efflux-systems-conference/2019/ ). Member of the evaluation panel of Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia of Portugal and expert Evaluator for the MRC South Africa and UK (area Tuberculosis), Wellcome Trust Awards, The Research Foundation – Flanders (FWO), Belgium, Dutch Research Council (NWO), Holland, Haut Conseil de l’Évaluation de la Recherche et de l’Enseignement Supérieur (HCERES) and National Agency for Scientific Evaluation (ANEP), Spain.
Author/co-author of over 200 scientific papers in peer review national and international journals, books and book-chapters in mycobacteriology, tuberculosis, bacteriology, resistance to antibiotics, microbial genetics, molecular epidemiology and immunology. Supervised and/or co-supervised 5 pos-docs, 9 PhD, 30 MSc students.
Expert in the early diagnosis of active or latent TB and new therapeutics for MDRTB and XDRTB. Devoted to the study and development of new diagnostic tools and alternative therapies to treat drug resistant diseases such as multidrug resistant tuberculosis and methicillin-vancomycin resistant staphylococcal infections, using new biotechnologies and new therapies incorporating non-antibiotic adjuvants of chemotherapy.
Studied, in the last 15 years, the contribution of the efflux-pumps and membrane transporters to bacterial multidrug resistant phenotypes and how we can prevent, reverse or reduce the level of resistance and recover the effectiveness of the antibiotics to which the bacteria became resistant. With an international team of collaborators, documented the mutations in drug targets and the corresponding associated minimal inhibitory concentrations for the majority of the anti-TB drug targets in M. tuberculosis and well as the effectiveness of various new inhibitors on many of the MDR bacteria in particular M/XDRTB. Conducted the laboratory diagnosis and the characterization of the determinants for resistance by phenotypic and genotypic assays, using new technical approaches such as Whole genome sequencing and real-time phenotypic assays. These studies also demonstrated the public health implications associated with these findings and contributed to the improvement of the currently recommended first and second line multi-drug anti-TB treatments.
Involved in the design and conduction of several multicenter studies in the field of mycobacteriology and laboratory diagnosis of tuberculosis involving, Becton & Dickinson, EUCAST, ESGMYC and TB Alliance, and pharmaceutical companies like Janssen, Otsuka and Tecnimede. Participated in the validation of the SIRE KIT Nitratase for M. tuberculosis DST with the Brazilian TB lab-network. Deeply involved in the development of TB nanodiagnostics in collaboration with the Nanotheranostics Group FCT/UNL (PI- Pedro V. Baptista) and the Biotech Company Nano4Global (https://nano4global.com/website/ ).
- Bateson A, Ortiz Canseco J, McHugh TD, Witney AA, Feuerriegel S, Merker M, Kohl TA, Utpatel C, Niemann S, Andres S, Kranzer K, Maurer FP, Ghodousi A, Borroni E, Cirillo DM, Wijkander M, Toro JC, Groenheit R, Werngren J, Machado D, Viveiros M, Warren RM, Sirgel F, Dippenaar A, Köser CU, Sun E, Timm J. Ancient and recent differences in the intrinsic susceptibility of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex to pretomanid. J Antimicrob Chemother. 2022 Mar 9:dkac070. https://doi.org/10.1093/jac/dkac070
- Ortiz M, Jauset-Rubio M, Skouridou V, Machado D, Viveiros M, Clark TG, Simonova A, Kodr D, Hocek M, O’Sullivan CK. Electrochemical Detection of Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism Associated with Rifampicin Resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis Using Solid-Phase Primer Elongation with Ferrocene-Linked Redox-Labeled Nucleotides. ACS Sens. 2021 Dec 24;6(12):4398-4407. https://doi.org/10.1021/acssensors.1c01710
- de Lourdes do Carmo Guimarães Diniz J, von Groll A, Unis G, Dalla-Costa ER, Rosa Rossetti ML, Vianna JS, Ramos DF, Reis AJ, Bartolomeu Halicki PC, Rheingantz Scaini JL, Castillos de Ibrahim das Neves Y, Phelan J, Gomes AR, Campino S, Machado KDS, Werhli AV, Pain A, Clark TG, Perdigão J, Viveiros M, Portugal I, Almeida Silva PE. Whole-genome sequencing as a tool for studying the microevolution of drug-resistant serial Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates. Tuberculosis (Edinb). 2021 Dec;131:102137. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tube.2021.102137
- Rossi I, Buttini F, Sonvico F, Affaticati F, Martinelli F, Annunziato G, Machado D, Viveiros M, Pieroni M, Bettini R. (2019). Sodium Hyaluronate Nanocomposite Respirable Microparticles to Tackle Antibiotic Resistance with Potential Application in Treatment of Mycobacterial Pulmonary Infections. Pharmaceutics. May 1;11(5). pii: E203. https://doi.org/10.3390/pharmaceutics11050203
- Coll F, Phelan J, Hill-Cawthorne GA, Nair MB, Mallard K, Ali S, Abdallah AM, Alghamdi S, Alsomali M, Ahmed AO, Portelli S, Oppong Y, Alves A, Bessa TB, Campino S, Caws M, Chatterjee A, Crampin AC, Dheda K, Furnham N, Glynn JR, Grandjean L, Ha DM, Hasan R, Hasan Z, Hibberd ML, Joloba M, Jones-López EC, Matsumoto T, Miranda A, Moore DJ, Mocillo N, Panaiotov S, Parkhill J, Penha C, Perdigão J, Portugal I, Rchiad Z, Robledo J, Sheen P, Shesha NT, Sirgel FA, Sola C, Sousa EO, Streicher EM, Van Helden P, Viveiros M, Warren RM, McNerney R, Pain A, Clark TG. (2018). Author Correction: Genome-wide analysis of multi- and extensively drug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Nat Genet. May;50(5):764. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41588-018-0074-3