As a result of the collaboration between GHTM-IHMT-NOVA and the Freie Universität Berlin (Germany), the 2nd Summer School on Antimicrobial and Biocide Resistance, which took place between 22 and 26 July 2024 at IHMT, involved around 90 participants, both online and in person, from 15 different countries.

The long years of collaboration between the research laboratories of Isabel Couto, Professor at IHMT-NOVA and leader of the THOP-GHTM Research Group, and Stefan Schwartz, Professor from the Institute of Microbiology and Epizootics (Freie University Berlin, Germany), provided the perfect framework for organizing the event. Participants in this training had the opportunity to address research topics related to resistance to antimicrobial agents and biocides, with a high degree of complementarity, which represented a clear added value for the students.

According to Aleksandra Atanasova, a PhD student at the Freie Universität Berlin doing research into antibiotic resistance on chicken farms, ‘the experience has allowed me to deepen my knowledge, helping me to realize how much I love this area and also the new experiences in laboratory work”.
In addition, Aleksandra admits that meeting other people from this field is “very good because they understand (my) work in a unique way, which ends up being a good way of networking and exchanging knowledge”.
It should be noted that the partnership between the institutes goes far beyond the organization of joint training. It also stands out for the shared work between researchers Sofia Santos Costa and Andrea Fleβer, who are strengthening the long-term partnership, following in the footsteps of their supervisors.
The event ended with the lecture of Professor Sara Soto, from ISGlobal, entitled “AMR: a global health problem”, which was the theme of a GHTM Session.

Read also our related news:
2nd Summer School on Antimicrobial and Biocide Resistance – last week of applications!